Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Some brain snacks. . .

Nope it’s not an experiment or a recipe it’s an article! From the NZ Herald, where the writer discusses cooking and her cook book collecting. By the sounds, she dabbles with experimenting too, and has had mixed results. It posed the question, do you go by the books? 

My gluten and dairy free diet has inspired me to begin experimenting with food (again?). Perhaps my childhood in PNG has helped me adapt to this idea. Sometimes you just have to make do with what you have, and while you are making do, you may as well make it good!

Although I wouldn’t exactly call substituting rice milk for cows milk, and margarine for butter exactly a risky experiment, but it has been a mind opening experience as I am discovering what new things I can create! 
I'd love to create a great new recipe one day, but until then I'll keep following other people's great ideas, being inspired and seeing where that leads!
Most often it is to chocolate or dessert! Stay tuned!

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